Sat, 01 June 2024

Public Profiles



Public Profile

Vincenzo Bruno

At: Centro OlisticoAddress: Via Cucchiari SNC - 20154 Milano - Milano - IT
Tel: 3249996633
Categories: Tantra
Activities:Meetings and events:0Web sites:1Videos:0Publications:0


Vincenzo Bruno [Swami Deva Rupesh] born in 1969 in San Giuseppe Vesuviano [NA] was 90 years Athlete at the Italian Federation American Football and Athletics, in life and security for over 20 years he has deals with Spirituality and holistic therapies, the latest studies lead him to the Humaniversity Therapist School and Breathwork Counseling by 2010 after years as Assistant participates in studies with Garimo of the Osho International Meditation Resort. Leads Active meditations. Learn Oriental Massage, Pregnancy Massage and Oriental Diagnosis at the Ohashiatsu Institute. For about 7 Years he worked at the Fondazione art Xante Battaglia, Master Professor of the Accademia di Brera and at the Association "Arte e Territorio" by maintaining an archive of photographic art by Fabrizio Garghetti and Giulia degli Alberti. He collaborated with art galleries of Milan and with the critic and Gastronomic Journalist Marcello Coronini with the "Gusto in Scena". In these Years he participated in three art exhibitions: 2008 Milan, Family allowances, Gallery group exhibition "Freiheit" together with the Photographer Patrizio Basile. 2009 Milan, Ateliè Mistyc Meditative Dance, solo exhibition "Sensuality & Mysticism", Varese, Gautama 2010 Summer Festival presented a photographic exhibition with Photographer Fabrizio Garghetti "Elegancè".


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